Little Memole also known also as Wee Wendy or Tongari Bōshi no Memoru, lit. "Memole Of The Pointed Hat", is a Japanese anime television series produced in the 1980s by Toei Animation. The series centers around a tiny girl named Memole that lands on Earth with 245 inhabitants from the planet Riruru. Memole befriends a human girl named Mariel who is ill and spends time with her. Memole also meets woodland animals and uses an owl named Bo-bo for transport.
Naoko Watanabe was born on November 21, 1959 and is currently 64 years old.
See Naoko Watanabe's other roles →Ichiro Nagai (永井 一郎 Nagai Ichirō, May 10, 1931 – January 27, 2014) was a Japanese voice actor from Ikeda, Osaka. He w...
See Ichiro Nagai's other roles →