Cast and Crew of Little Match Girl

Cast of
Little Match Girl

About Little Match Girl

  • Released on August 01, 2018
  • Drama

Scandinavia, 1846. A poor young girl forced to sell matchsticks desperately lights one match to survive the winter night. She is drawn into a dream world where the flames of fire give her hope for a better life, while the cold creeps closer. Based on H.C. Andersen's short story.

Full Cast of Little Match Girl

Shree Crooks
plays Little Match Girl

Rebecca Ferguson
plays Mother

Rebecca Ferguson as Mother

Rebecca Louisa Ferguson Sundström (born 19 October 1983) is a Swedish actress. She began her acting career with the S...

See Rebecca Ferguson's other roles

Gustaf Skarsgård
plays Father

Gustaf Skarsgård as Father

Gustaf Skarsgård (born 12 November 1980) is a Swedish film and television actor, best known for playing Floki on Hist...

See Gustaf Skarsgård's other roles

David Laib
plays Villager

Crew of Little Match Girl

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