Lipshitz Saves the World is a comedy television pilot that was produced for NBC. The show was given the green light to shoot a pilot by NBC in July 2006. The show was not picked up for air. It is believed that the tagline and the tone of the series was not suitable.
The premise of the show is that teenage outcast Adam Lipshitz discovers that he may be the one person who can save the world. Creator Dan Fogelman describes the show as similar to The Matrix "if Keanu Reeves wasn't good looking."
Veteran comedy actor Leslie Nielsen had signed on to play Lipshitz's mentor.
Leslie William Nielsen, OC (11 February 1926 – 28 November 2010) was a Canadian and naturalized American actor and co...
See Leslie Nielsen's other roles →Ruth Westheimer, better known as Dr. Ruth, is a German-American sex therapist, media personality, and author. Her med...
See Ruth Westheimer's other roles →Max Burkholder was born on November 1, 1997 and is currently 26 years old.
See Max Burkholder's other roles →From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Marietta Sirleaf, better known simply as Retta, is an American stand-up comedi...
See Retta's other roles →Ross Thomas is an American actor and television host.
See Ross Thomas's other roles →