Cast of
Light Up Night

About Light Up Night

  • Released on December 24, 2020
  • Drama

Based on the Book of Ruth, Naomi's sons and husband have died and left her alone. Daughter-in-law, Ruth, vows to never leave her side. They face the challenges of a life on their own as they journey back to Naomi's home in West Virginia.

Full Cast of Light Up Night

Katherine Elise Shaw
plays Ruth Starkey

Kathy Patterson
plays Naomi Starkey

Dean Cain
plays Boaz Perez

Dean Cain as Boaz Perez

His mother, actress Sharon Thomas, married his adoptive father, director Christopher Cain; when Dean was three. Thoug...

See Dean Cain's other roles

Bobby Lacer
plays Solomon Perez

Tim Perez-Ross
plays Kent

Tim Perez-Ross as Kent

Tim Ross was born in Miami Florida to a Cuban mother and Scots/Irish heritage father. He began his career as a dancer...

See Tim Perez-Ross's other roles

Dennis P. Marburger
plays John Westover

Michael Sigler
plays Pastor Wayne

Timothy E. Goodwin
plays Will

Timothy E. Goodwin as Will

Timothy E. Goodwin is an American actor.

See Timothy E. Goodwin's other roles

Stephanie Swift
plays Heather Mudrick

Rick Dutrow
plays Jason Mudrick

Beck Rosser
plays April

Eileen Lacer
plays Linda

Brayden Lacer
plays Albert

Sarai Koo
plays Misty

Jeremiah Clark
plays Lonny

Zeb Slone
plays Church day care student

Crew of Light Up Night

Discover the backstage crew of Light Up Night →