Cast and Crew of Lick the Star

Cast of
Lick the Star

About Lick the Star

  • Released on October 01, 1998
  • Drama

A clique of school girls devise a secret plan that they code-name "Lick the Star".

Full Cast of Lick the Star

Christina Turley
plays Kate

Audrey Heaven
plays Chloe

Julia Vanderham
plays Rebecca

Lindsy Drummer
plays Sara

Robert Schwartzman
plays Greg

Rachael Vanni
plays Wendy

Peter Bogdanovich
plays Principal

Peter Bogdanovich as Principal

Peter Bogdanovich ComSE (July 30, 1939 – January 6, 2022) was an American director, writer, actor, producer, critic, ...

See Peter Bogdanovich's other roles

Zoe Cassavetes
plays P.E. Teacher

Anahid Nazarian
plays Social Studies Teacher

Davia Nelson
plays English Teacher

Christianna Toler
plays Nadine

Hilary Flemming
plays Taco Girl

Eleanor Cummings
plays 6th Grader P.E. Victim

Anthony DeSimone
plays Snack Counter Worker

Aron Acord
plays Sexy Boy

Bassam Habib
plays Boy

Crew of Lick the Star

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