Cast of
Liberty Belle

About Liberty Belle

  • Released on September 14, 1983
  • Drama

Liberty Belle tells the story of a group of student's involvement with a group who oppose the French Algerian war. The film premiered at the 1983 Cannes Film Festival.

Full Cast of Liberty Belle

Jérôme Zucca
plays Julien

Dominique Laffin
plays Élise

André Dussollier
plays Vidal

Philippe Caroit
plays Gilles

Jean-Pierre Kalfon
plays Brinon

Anouk Ferjac
plays The mother

Bernard-Pierre Donnadieu
plays Yvon

Anne-Laure Meury
plays Corinne

Juliette Binoche
plays Rally girl

Juliette Binoche as Rally girl

Juliette Binoche (born 9 March 1964) is a French actress, artist and dancer. She has appeared in more than 40 feature...

See Juliette Binoche's other roles

Marcel Ophüls
plays German teacher

Maurice Vallier

Fred Personne

Luc Béraud

Crew of Liberty Belle

Discover the backstage crew of Liberty Belle →