Cast and Crew of Legendary Dudas

Cast of
Legendary Dudas

About Legendary Dudas

  • Released on July 09, 2016
  • Comedy

A mockumentary comedy about two brothers who are forced to co-exist in the same homeroom class.

Legendary Dudas ran for 1 season.

Full Cast of Legendary Dudas

Megan Richie
plays Gigi (6 episodes)

DeVion Harris
plays Tyler Duda (6 episodes)

Meyrick Murphy
plays Dallas (6 episodes)

Theodore Barnes
plays Sam Duda (6 episodes)

Daniella Taylor
plays Sophia (6 episodes)

Pearce Joza
plays Logan (6 episodes)

Davis Cleveland
plays Icuzio (1 episode)

Ivan Mallon
plays Brother (1 episode)

Ivan Mallon as Brother

Actor best known for his role as Clark on Nickelodeon's School of Rock.

See Ivan Mallon's other roles

Jackson A. Dunn
plays Elmer (5 episodes)

Jackson A. Dunn as Elmer

American actor who has appeared in Legendary Dudas and Henry Danger. He went on to nab the title role in Brightburn. ...

See Jackson A. Dunn's other roles

Ariana Greenblatt
plays Little Girl (1 episode)

Ariana Greenblatt as Little Girl

Ariana Greenblatt was born on August 27, 2007 in New York and is an American actress. Greenblatt has always known tha...

See Ariana Greenblatt's other roles

Crew of Legendary Dudas

Discover the backstage crew of Legendary Dudas →