"Last of the Summer Wine" is a British sitcom that holds the esteemed title of being the longest-running comedy series in Britain and the longest-running sitcom globally, with an impressive 295 episodes spanning from 1973 to 2010. The show premiered as an episode of "Comedy Playhouse" before taking on its own identity. The series is set against the idyllic backdrop of the Yorkshire Dales, where three lively senior citizens reside, free from the obligations of work, spouses, or other responsibilities. They are perpetually young at heart, with a zest for life that defies societal expectations of the elderly.
The trio is composed of Clegg, delightfully portrayed by the talented Peter Sallis, and Ivy, brought to life by the capable Jane Freeman. Clegg, one of the three protagonists, is a thoughtful, gentle soul with a penchant for philosophical musings. He often serves as the voice of reason within the group, providing a balanced perspective amidst the chaos. Ivy, on the other hand, is a formidable figure in the town, known for her forthright demeanor and sharp wit. She adds a delightful dynamic to the series, serving as a foil to the antics of the three men.
The series revolves around the trio's daily escapades, which often involve speculating about their fellow townsfolk and embarking on adventures that challenge the stereotypes associated with old age. Their activities range from harmless mischief to more elaborate schemes, all executed with an infectious joie de vivre. The show's humor is derived from their interactions with each other and the world around them, coupled with their unique outlook on life. "Last of the Summer Wine" is more than just a sitcom; it is a celebration of life, a testament to the fact that age is merely a number, and a delightful exploration of the human spirit.
Dame June Rosemary Whitfield DBE was an English radio, television and film actress. Her big break was a lead in the B...
See June Whitfield's other roles →Margaret John was born on December 14, 1926 and passed away 13 years ago at the age of 84 on February 2, 2011.
See Margaret John's other roles →Pete Postlethwaite was an English stage, film and television actor. After minor television appearances including in T...
See Pete Postlethwaite's other roles →Ronald Lacey (28 September 1935 – 15 May 1991) was an English actor. He made numerous television and film appearances...
See Ronald Lacey's other roles →Bernard Cribbins (29 December 1928 - 27 July 2022) was an English character actor, voice-over artist and musical com...
See Bernard Cribbins's other roles →Eric Potts was born on September 13, 1965 and is currently 58 years old.
See Eric Potts's other roles →Brian Pettifer was born on January 1, 1953 and is currently 71 years old.
See Brian Pettifer's other roles →