"Landman" is a gripping series that transports viewers to the heart of West Texas, a land buzzing with the energy of a contemporary oil boom. At the center of the story are the complex characters of Tommy Norris, played by Billy Bob Thornton, and his wife, Angela Norris, portrayed by Ali Larter. Their lives become entangled in the whirlwind of ambition and greed that characterizes this boomtown, showcasing the stark contrast between the lives of everyday workers and the lavish lifestyles of the billionaires who seek to exploit the land’s vast resources. This dynamic narrative not only highlights the pursuit of wealth but also raises critical questions about the environmental consequences of such unbridled growth.
As the series unfolds, viewers are drawn into an upstairs/downstairs story that reveals the hidden tensions between roughnecks—those who labor tirelessly on the oil rigs—and the wildcat billionaires reaping the rewards of their hard work. Each episode peels back layers of these characters' lives, exposing their struggles, motivations, and vulnerabilities against the backdrop of a high-stakes industry. The casting of Thornton and Larter brings a palpable intensity to their roles, as they navigate their personal and professional dilemmas amidst the chaotic and often dangerous world of oil production. The series delves into the human cost of the energy frenzy, exploring how the dreams of prosperity collide with the harsh realities of labor and environmental degradation.
The implications of this narrative extend far beyond the fictional boomtown, resonating with real-world issues of climate change, economic disparity, and geopolitical tensions stemming from natural resource exploitation. "Landman" not only entertains but also serves as a poignant commentary on the choices we make and their impact on our planet and society. Through dynamic storytelling and well-drawn characters, the series invites viewers to reflect on the complex relationships that form when ambition overshadows ethics, making for a compelling exploration of modern-day America and its relentless pursuit of wealth.
Billy Bob Thornton (born August 4, 1955) is an American actor, screenwriter, director and musician. Thornton gained e...
Alison Elizabeth "Ali" Larter (born February 28, 1976) is an American actress best known for playing the dual roles o...
Michelle Randolph is an American actress known for her role in 1923, starring along side Helen Mirren and Harrison Ford.
Kayla Wallace is a Canadian actor, singer, and dancer. She is best known for her work on The Magicians (2020), ABC's ...
Jonathan Daniel "Jon" Hamm (born March 10, 1971) is an American actor who works primarily in television. For much of ...
Colm Joseph Feore OC (/ˈkɒləm ˈfjɔːr/; born August 22, 1958) is a Canadian actor. A 15-year veteran of the Stratford ...
Michael Anthony Peña (born January 13, 1976) is an American film and television actor, probably best known for his pr...
Emilio Rivera (born February 24, 1961) is an American film and television actor.
Alex Meraz was born on January 10, 1985 and is currently 39 years old.
Robyn Elaine Lively (born February 7, 1972) is an American actress. Lively is best known for her role in the film Tee...
Bart Johnson is an actor and director.
Brook Sill is an actress, known for Outer Banks (2020), High Expectations and Henry Danger (2014).
K.C. Clyde (born May 2, 1980) is an American actor. He lives in Los Angeles with his wife RaeAnn and is the son of Cr...
Tiffany Smith has appeared on The CW's Supernatural and Jane The Virgin, the McG FOX pilot Behind Enemy Lines, and th...
Coley Speaks is an American stage, film and television actor.
Kristoffer Polaha was born on February 18, 1977 in Reno, Nevada, USA as Kristoffer Jon Polaha. He is an actor and pro...
Jim Hanna was born on October 2, 1967. He is an actor and director.
Alex Punch Hyde-White (born 30 January 1959) is an English born, US raised film and television actor. He is sometimes...