Cast of
Lady Audley's Secret

About Lady Audley's Secret

  • Released on May 17, 2000
  • Drama

When Lucy Graham (Neve McIntosh) weds the much older Sir Michael Audley (Kenneth Cranham), his nephew Robert (Steven Mackintosh) is suspicious of the lovely young woman's motives. Soon, Robert's friend disappears, and Robert believes Lucy may be involved. But as he attempts to unearth the truth about Lucy's past, he finds himself irresistibly drawn to her dangerous allure. Betsan Morris Evans's period drama is based on the novel by Mary Elizabeth Braddon's.

Full Cast of Lady Audley's Secret

Patrick Baladi
plays Sir Harry Towers

Patrick Baladi as Sir Harry Towers

Patrick Baladi was born on December 25, 1971 and is currently 52 years old.

See Patrick Baladi's other roles

Neve McIntosh
plays Lucy / Lady Audley

Neve McIntosh as Lucy / Lady Audley

Neve McIntosh was born on April 9, 1972 and is currently 52 years old.

See Neve McIntosh's other roles

Roger Ashton-Griffiths
plays Dr. Alwyn Mosgrave

Roger Ashton-Griffiths as Dr. Alwyn Mosgrave

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Roger Ashton-Griffiths (born January 19, 1957) is a British character actor, ...

See Roger Ashton-Griffiths's other roles

Jamie Bamber
plays George Talboys

Jamie Bamber as George Talboys

Jamie St John Bamber Griffith (born 3 April 1973) is a British actor, known most widely for his roles as Lee Adama on...

See Jamie Bamber's other roles

Crew of Lady Audley's Secret

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