Cast of
La moglie giapponese

About La moglie giapponese

  • Released on June 24, 1968

The accountant Taddei, an employee of an import company, travels to Tokyo for work and discovers that the colleague he has replaced has married a Japanese woman. His journey to the Far East brings him into contact with situations of extreme poverty that will deeply disturb him.

Full Cast of La moglie giapponese

Gastone Moschin
plays Accountant Taddei

Paul Esser
plays Ferrante

Michiko Iwasaki
plays Michiko

Lilly Lau
plays Chinese girl

Huiuh Thi Thanh

Yuan-Kwan Chan

Alessandro Serra

Simonetta Stefanelli

Simonetta Stefanelli

Simonetta Stefanelli (born 30 November 1954) is an Italian actress, entrepreneur and fashion designer. Internationall...

See Simonetta Stefanelli's other roles

Crew of La moglie giapponese

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