"Kidnapped" is an intriguing historical drama that brings to life the true story of a young Jewish boy named Edgardo Mortara, who finds himself at the center of a political and religious conflict in 19th century Italy. The narrative spans Edgardo's life from childhood to adolescence, portrayed by two talented young actors: Enea Sala as Edgardo Mortara bambino (child) and Leonardo Maltese as Edgardo Mortara ragazzo (youth).
Set in Bologna, Italy, in 1858, the movie unravels the extraordinary events unfolding in the life of Edgardo Mortara, who was born to devout Jewish parents. The quiet existence of the Mortara family is shattered when Edgardo is taken away from them due to a secret baptism performed on him. In a time when the line between church and state was blurred, the incident causes a shockwave that reverberates beyond the streets of Bologna and becomes entangled in the larger political landscape of the era.
As Edgardo's parents attempt to free their son from the clutches of the church, their struggle intersects with the broader political forces at play. The Pope's authority and traditions of the church stand firmly against the burgeoning winds of democracy and Italian unification. The Mortara family, caught between these opposing forces, becomes a symbol of resistance against the Vatican's entrenched power. This gripping storyline provides viewers with a compelling visual tapestry of faith, family, and the fight for freedom, making "Kidnapped" a must-watch for those interested in the fascinating history of 19th century Italy.
Corrado Invernizzi was born on April 25, 1965 and is currently 59 years old.
See Corrado Invernizzi's other roles →Fabrizio Gifuni was born on June 15, 1966 and is currently 58 years old.
See Fabrizio Gifuni's other roles →