Cast and Crew of Keep Your Chin Up!

Cast of
Keep Your Chin Up!

About Keep Your Chin Up!

  • Released on August 19, 1954
  • Comedy

On the Spring of 1945 the Jackson circus is heading towards the border with the clown Peti and Aida, the elephant. They have to play for the Hungarian Fascists, while Peti is hiding the Jew Annuska and Sanyika.

Full Cast of Keep Your Chin Up!

Márta Fónay

Márta Fónay

Márta Fónay was born on September 23, 1914 and passed away 29 years ago at the age of 80 on November 22, 1994.

See Márta Fónay's other roles

Rudolf Romhányi

Miklós Szakáts
plays Ödön

Miklós Szakáts as Ödön

Miklós Szakáts was born on April 30, 1920 and passed away 39 years ago at the age of 64 on October 22, 1984.

See Miklós Szakáts's other roles

Sándor Siménfalvy
plays Baka

György Gonda