Set in a world where humanity has lost control of the oceans to the “deep sea fleet,” the only hope to counter this threat are the Kanmusu, a group of girls who possess the spirit of Japanese warships. The story revolves around Fubuki, a destroyer who comes to the Chinjufu base to train with other Kanmusu. Watch as their stories unfold!
Ayane Sakura is a Japanese voice actress affiliated with Aoni Production. She was previously affiliated with I'm Ente...
See Ayane Sakura's other roles →Saki Fujita is a Japanese voice actress and narrator from Tokyo. She is represented by Arts Vision. She sang the endi...
See Saki Fujita's other roles →Nao Toyama is a Japanese voice actress affiliated with INTENTION. She made her professional debut in 2010 as the voic...
See Nao Toyama's other roles →Rina Hidaka (日高 里菜, Hidaka Rina, born June 15, 1994) is a Japanese actress and voice actress from Chiba Prefecture. S...
See Rina Hidaka's other roles →Ayana Taketatsu (竹達 彩奈, Taketatsu Ayana, June 23, 1989 ) is a Japanese voice actress and singer from Saitama. She is ...
See Ayana Taketatsu's other roles →Yuka Iguchi (井口 裕香, Iguchi Yuka, July 11, 1988) is a Japanese voice actress and singer from Tokyo. She is affiliated ...
See Yuka Iguchi's other roles →