Cast and Crew of Justine

Cast of

About Justine

  • Released on September 01, 2022
  • Drama

Justine is a young woman with a fierce intelligence but an equally strong appetite for self-destruction. She finds herself suffocated within a world that makes little sense and where alcohol is the only escape from her view of a hopeless future. When she meets Rachel, the possibility of happiness, love and a future starts to emerge. But her pain goes deep and as the demons within her begin to surface, she wonders if she can allow herself to hope.

Full Cast of Justine

Sophie Reid
plays Rachel

Steve Oram
plays Dr. Jim

Steve Oram as Dr. Jim

Steve Oram was born on August 25, 1973 and is currently 50 years old.

See Steve Oram's other roles

Crew of Justine

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