"Justice" is a compelling British drama television series that captivated audiences during its original run on ITV from August 8, 1971, to October 16, 1974. Spanning a total of 39 hour-long episodes, the series offers a gripping portrayal of the legal profession through the eyes of its protagonist, Harriet Peterson, played by the talented Margaret Lockwood. Set against the backdrop of the North of England, "Justice" delves into the complexities and challenges faced by a female barrister navigating a predominantly male-dominated legal field. The show's insightful writing and strong character development helped it resonate with viewers, making it a significant entry in the landscape of British television drama.
The creation of "Justice" was spearheaded by Yorkshire Television and is loosely based on "Justice Is a Woman," an earlier episode of ITV Playhouse that aired in 1969 and featured Lockwood in the role of a barrister. This connection not only highlights Lockwood's impressive range as an actress but also serves as a testament to the evolving role of women in the legal profession during the 1970s. The series skillfully blends elements of courtroom drama with personal storytelling, showcasing the professional and emotional hurdles that Harriet Peterson encounters as she fights for justice in a society fraught with gender biases and societal expectations.
Moreover, "Justice" is underscored by the stirring theme music, "Crown Imperial," composed by William Walton, which adds an additional layer of gravitas to the series. The combination of its engaging narrative, memorable performances, and striking musical score contributes to the lasting legacy of "Justice" within the pantheon of British television. As viewers reflect on this series, they are reminded not only of the power of storytelling but also of the crucial conversations surrounding justice and equality that continue to resonate today.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Brian Blessed (born 9 October 1936) is an English actor. He is known for his ...
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