Cast and Crew of Just Between Lovers

Cast of
Just Between Lovers

About Just Between Lovers

  • Released on December 11, 2017
  • Drama

Two survivors of a building collapse discover support and love in each other as they overcome the pain of loss and reconstruct a hopeful future.

Full Cast of Just Between Lovers

Kim Hye-jun
plays Lee Jae-Young

Kim Hye-jun as Lee Jae-Young

Kim Hye-jun was born on May 8, 1995 and is currently 29 years old.

See Kim Hye-jun's other roles

Tae In-ho
plays Jung Yoo-Taek

Tae In-ho as Jung Yoo-Taek

Tae In-ho was born on May 2, 1980 and is currently 44 years old.

See Tae In-ho's other roles