Cast and Crew of Jack the Ripper - Eine Frau jagt einen Mörder

Cast of
Jack the Ripper - Eine Frau jagt einen Mörder

About Jack the Ripper - Eine Frau jagt einen Mörder

  • Released on November 29, 2016
  • Thriller

A serial killer walks the streets of Whitechapel, London, attacking and killing women, which later came to be known as the 'Whitechapel murders' stretching from 3 April 1888 to 13 February 1891 included in the London Metropolitan Police Service Investigation.

Full Cast of Jack the Ripper - Eine Frau jagt einen Mörder

Sonja Gerhardt
plays Anna Kosminski

Falk Hentschel
plays Frederick Abberline

Falk Hentschel as Frederick Abberline

Falk Hentschel is an actor and producer.

See Falk Hentschel's other roles

Nicholas Farrell
plays Samuel Harris

Sabin Tambrea
plays David Cohen

Peter Gilbert Cotton
plays Ronald Briggs

Vladimir Burlakov
plays Jakob Kosminski

Funda Vanroy
plays Mary Jane Kelly

Tobias Wessler
plays Parker

Arturas Kuzmenka
plays Husband

Crew of Jack the Ripper - Eine Frau jagt einen Mörder

Discover the backstage crew of Jack the Ripper - Eine Frau jagt einen Mörder →