Cast of

About 'Itch

  • Released on February 23, 1991
  • Drama

A lone hitch hiker, marooned near a housing estate, has a dramatic effect on the lives of those around him.

Full Cast of 'Itch

Alexei Sayle
plays Rittblatt

Jonny Lee Miller
plays Dennis Turnbull

Jonny Lee Miller as Dennis Turnbull

Jonathan Lee Miller (AKA Jonny) is an English actor who gained notoriety with roles in Hackers and Trainspotting. Th...

See Jonny Lee Miller's other roles

John Benfield
plays Gordon Turnbull

Brid Brennan
plays Susan Turnbull

Brid Brennan as Susan Turnbull

Bríd Brennan is a Belfast born actress known for her work on the stage and screen.

See Brid Brennan's other roles

Christopher Fulford
plays Alan Trent

Claire Hackett
plays Arlene Trent

Stratford Johns
plays Clive

Richard Hope
plays Geoff

Richard Hope as Geoff

Richard Hope is a British actor who gained recognition from Brideshead Revisited as the doltish junior officer, Hoope...

See Richard Hope's other roles

Katy Murphy
plays Maddie

Katy Murphy as Maddie

Katy Murphy is a Scottish actress of stage, TV and film. She has appeared in children's TV serials such as Mike and A...

See Katy Murphy's other roles

Michael Wardle
plays 1st Sierra Driver

Peter Waddington
plays Mr Jefferson

Fine Time Fontayne
plays 2nd Sierra Driver

Malcolm Jackson
plays Lorry Driver

Crew of 'Itch

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