Cast and Crew of Intoxicated by Love

Cast of
Intoxicated by Love

About Intoxicated by Love

Intoxicated by Love is a cinematic masterpiece that delves deep into the life of Rumi, a 13th-century Persian poet and Sufi mystic. The film explores the profound friendship between Rumi and Shams Tabrizi, a wandering dervish, and the transformative impact this relationship had on Rumi's life and work. Rumi, initially a respected scholar and theologian, undergoes a radical transformation under the influence of Shams, who challenges his conventional beliefs and opens his heart to a deeper understanding of love and spirituality.

The bond between Rumi and Shams is the heart of the film, a testament to the power of friendship and the profound influence it can have on one's life. Their relationship is complex and multifaceted, characterized by intense debates, shared moments of spiritual ecstasy, and a deep, abiding love. Shams, with his unconventional wisdom and charismatic personality, pushes Rumi to question his beliefs, to delve deeper into the mysteries of the universe, and to embrace a more profound and inclusive love.

This love, so beautifully depicted in the film, extends beyond the personal to encompass a divine love, a love for God. Rumi's poetry, which forms a significant part of the film, is a reflection of this love. His verses, imbued with spiritual longing and a deep sense of devotion, are a testament to the transformative power of love. Through his relationship with Shams and his subsequent spiritual journey, Rumi discovers a love that transcends boundaries, a love that is at once human and divine, a love that intoxicates the soul. Intoxicated by Love is not just a film; it is a spiritual journey, a poetic exploration of love in all its forms.

Full Cast of Intoxicated by Love

Hande Erçel
plays Kimia-Khatoon

Hande Erçel as Kimia-Khatoon
Hande Erçel delivers a captivating performance as Kimia-Khatoon in the movie 'Intoxicated by Love'. Her portrayal of the passionate and devoted lover of Rumi, the 13th-century Persian poet, is both powerful and nuanced. Erçel brings a depth of emotion to the role, capturing the intensity of Kimia-Khatoon's love for Rumi and the heartbreak of their separation. Her performance is a testament to her talent as an actress and her ability to bring complex characters to life on screen. See Hande Erçel's other roles