Cast of
I Am the White Tiger

About I Am the White Tiger

  • Released on June 18, 2019

Stuntman, action director, and martial arts legend Mark Houghton tells his story of breaking into the Hong Kong film industry, his struggle with injuries and depression, and the promise he made his teacher, the legendary filmmaker Lau Kar Leung.

Full Cast of I Am the White Tiger

Marcio Catalano
plays Himself

Tom Caserto
plays Himself

Andrew Dasz
plays Himself

Steven Dasz
plays Himself

Charlene Houghton
plays Herself

Mark Houghton
plays Himself

Mark Houghton as Himself

Mark Houghton was born on March 8, 1962 and is currently 62 years old.

See Mark Houghton's other roles

Jeanne Lau
plays Herself

Jason Li
plays Himself

Xin Sarith Wuku
plays Himself

Jing-Jing Yung
plays Herself

Crew of I Am the White Tiger

Discover the backstage crew of I Am the White Tiger →