Cast and Crew of Housebound

Cast of

About Housebound

When Kylie Bucknell is sentenced to home detention, she's forced to come to terms with her unsociable behaviour, her blabbering mother and a hostile spirit who seems less than happy about the new living arrangement.

Full Cast of Housebound

Morgana O'Reilly
plays Kylie Bucknell

Rima Te Wiata
plays Miriam Bucknell

Glen-Paul Waru
plays Amos

Ross Harper
plays Graeme

Cameron Rhodes
plays Dennis

Millen Baird
plays Officer Grayson

Bruce Hopkins
plays Officer Carson

Bruce Hopkins as Officer Carson

Bruce Hopkins was born on November 25, 1955 and is currently 68 years old.

See Bruce Hopkins's other roles

Ryan Lampp
plays Eugene

Ian Mune
plays Judge

Ian Mune as Judge

Ian Mune was born on January 1, 1941 and is currently 83 years old.

See Ian Mune's other roles

Wallace Chapman
plays Hollis

Mick Innes
plays Kraglund

David Van Horn
plays Justin

Nikki Si'ulepa
plays Leslie

Kitty Riddell
plays Elizabeth Chalmers

Lila Sharp
plays Young Kylie (Voice)

Louise Mills
plays Fitness Host

Crew of Housebound

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