Cast of

About Housebound

  • Released on September 02, 2000

A woman with a tragic past rents her bungalow to a man who loves cooking, but according to her distorted mind he uses his knives more than he should.

Full Cast of Housebound

Katharina Wressnig
plays Marie

Peter Sarsgaard
plays Mignon

Peter Sarsgaard as Mignon

John Peter Sarsgaard (born March 7, 1971) is an American actor. His first feature role was in Dead Man Walking in 199...

See Peter Sarsgaard's other roles

Geoffrey Lower
plays Jarrid , Ricky

Geoffrey Lower was born on March 19, 1963 and is currently 61 years old.

See Geoffrey Lower's other roles

Ann Magnuson
plays Brandy

Ann Magnuson as Brandy

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Ann Magnuson (born January 4, 1956) is an American actress, performance artis...

See Ann Magnuson's other roles

Billy 'Sly' Williams
plays Greg

Art Bonilla
plays Detective

Harriett S. Miller
plays Mrs. Stone

Angeline Ball
plays Mignon

Liz Stauber
plays Ricky

Crew of Housebound

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