Hopeless Pictures is an American animated comedy series starring the voice of Friends actress Lisa Kudrow, Seinfeld guest actor Bob Balaban, and produced and broadcast by the IFC. The cartoon follows fictional film producer Mel Wax, voiced by Michael McKean, in a spoof of the Hollywood movie industry. Stylistically the show makes use of the audio from scripted telephone conversations combined with on-screen gags surrounding the cartoon characters speaking.
Michael McKean (born October 17, 1947) is an American actor, comedian, writer, composer and musician, perhaps best kn...
Lisa Valerie Kudrow (born July 30, 1963) is an American actress, comedian, writer, and producer. After making appeara...
Robert Elmer Balaban is an American actor, author, producer, and director. He was one of the producers nominated for ...
Offbeat funnyman Martin Mull was born in Chicago, Illinois, the oldest of three children, and raised in Ohio. The blo...
Patrick Bristow was born on September 26, 1962 in Los Angeles County, California, USA. He is an actor and director, k...
Paul Reubens (August 27, 1952 - July 30, 2023) was an American actor, writer, film producer, game show host, and come...
Paul Dooley was born Paul Brown in Parkersburg, West Virginia, the son of Ruth Irene (née Barringer), a homemaker, an...
Jonathan Katz was born on December 1, 1946 and is currently 78 years old.
Jennifer Audrey Coolidge (born August 28, 1961) is an American actress. Primarily noted for her roles in comedic film...
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Nora Ephron (born May 19, 1941-June 26, 2012) was an American film director, ...
Robert Norman Reiner (born March 6, 1947) is an American actor and filmmaker. As an actor, Reiner first came to natio...