Cast and Crew of His Most Serene Highness

Cast of
His Most Serene Highness

About His Most Serene Highness

  • Released on August 17, 2000

This historical drama depicts the waning days of the life of Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, who waged a war against the United States that ultimately cost his nation half of its territory

Full Cast of His Most Serene Highness

Alejandro Parodi
plays Antonio López de Santa Anna

Ana Bertha Espín
plays Dolores Tosta

José Carlos Ruiz
plays Máximo Huerta

Ana Ofelia Murguía
plays La Salamandra

Jorge Hernández
plays Bishop Archundia

Pedro Armendáriz Jr.

Blanca Guerra

Blanca Guerra

Blanca Guerra Islas (born January 10, 1953) is a Mexican actress. In 1983 she was a member of the jury at the 13th Mo...

See Blanca Guerra's other roles

Juan de la Loza

Abel Woolrich

Carmen Delgado

Isaura Espinoza

Salvador Sánchez

Rodolfo Arias

Crew of His Most Serene Highness

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