Cast of

About Hickey

  • Released on January 10, 2017
  • Comedy

Brilliant but insecure, young Ryan has 24 hours to save the store he hates in order to win the heart of the girl he loves.

Full Cast of Hickey

Troy Doherty
plays Ryan Chess

Flavia Watson
plays Carly

Flavia Watson as Carly

An actor, singer, and songwriter based in Los Angeles. She grew up in Ireland, Italy, and has lived in just about eve...

See Flavia Watson's other roles

Raychel Diane Weiner
plays Ellen Blum

Tommy Lister Jr.
plays Henry

Tommy Lister Jr. as Henry

Tommy "Tiny" Lister (born Thomas Lister, Jr.; June 24, 1958, died December 10, 2020) was a character actor and former...

See Tommy Lister Jr.'s other roles

Alex Ashbaugh
plays Brady Krane

Ross Mackenzie
plays Gary Plain

Zedrick Restauro
plays Jeremy

Danielle Morrow
plays Danny

Danielle Morrow as Danny

Danielle Morrow was born on August 15, 1993 and is currently 30 years old.

See Danielle Morrow's other roles

Crew of Hickey

Discover the backstage crew of Hickey →