Cast and Crew of Hellbent

Cast of

About Hellbent

  • Released on June 26, 2004
  • Horror

On Halloween in West Hollywood, two guys making out in a park are interrupted by a serial killer. Later that night, a group of gay kids decide to visit to the site of the murders.

Full Cast of Hellbent

Dylan Fergus
plays Eddie

Bryan Kirkwood
plays Jake

Hank Harris
plays Joey

Hank Harris as Joey

Hank Harris is an American actor who has been working in movies and television since the late 1990s. He is perhaps be...

See Hank Harris's other roles

Andrew Levitas
plays Chaz

Andrew Levitas as Chaz

Levitas' feature film directorial debut Lullaby, from his own screenplay, stars Amy Adams, Richard Jenkins, Terrence ...

See Andrew Levitas's other roles

Matt Phillips
plays Tobey

Kent Bradley James
plays Nick Name

Wren T. Brown
plays Police Captain

Wren T. Brown as Police Captain

Wren T. Brown was born on June 11, 1964 and is currently 60 years old.

See Wren T. Brown's other roles

Nina Landey
plays Maria

Samuel A. Levine
plays Mikey

Kris Andersson
plays White Pepper

Shaun T. Benjamin
plays Police Officer

Baron Rogers
plays Jared Reynolds

Miguel Angel Caballero
plays Jorge

Blake Davis
plays Frat Guy

Jerry Farmer
plays Tattoo Artist

Paul Lekakis

Colton Ford

Crew of Hellbent

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