Cast and Crew of Helio

Cast of

About Helio

One worker sparks a revolution when he attempts to break free of his dystopian underworld.

Full Cast of Helio

Barrett James
plays Masked Miner

Dennis Keiffer
plays Head Councilor

Dennis Keiffer as Head Councilor

Dennis Keiffer is a former K.I.C.K. Super Middleweight Kickboxing Champion. He took his skills to Television and Cine...

See Dennis Keiffer's other roles

Dio Johnson
plays Strong Rebel

Derek Chariton
plays Lead Tagger

Chuck Wigginton
plays Doctor

Erik Denton
plays Riot Councilor

Luke LaFontaine
plays Aggressive Councilor

Patrick Barrett
plays Pointing Citizen

Eric Lee Huffman
plays Miner

Crew of Helio

Discover the backstage crew of Helio →