Heavy Metal L-Gaim is an anime television series, begun in 1984, which was directed by Yoshiyuki Tomino. Its characters and mecha were designed by Mamoru Nagano, who would later go on to create The Five Star Stories. Heavy Metal L-Gaim takes place in the Pentagona System, a solar system made up of five planets. Oldna Poseidal, the legendary emperor from the planet Gastogal leads his 24 Temple Knights from planet to planet until all have fallen under his control. His final victory is on the planet Mizum in 3975 when he defeats Kamon Walha V, ruler of the Yaman Clan. Kamon hides his heir, Kamon Myroad on the planet Mizum with the legendary white mecha, L-Gaim. Fifteen years later, now grown up and known as Daba Myroad, he leads a rebellion to free the planets of Pentagona from Poseidal's grasp.
Colin Edward Quinn (born June 6, 1959) is an American stand-up comedian, actor, and writer. On television, he is best...
See Colin Quinn's other roles →Eva Mendes (born March 5, 1974, height 5' 6" (1,68 m)) is an American actress, model, singer, and homeware and fashio...
See Eva Mendes's other roles →Banjo Ginga is a Japanese voice actor currently affiliated with Aoni Production. He was previously credited under his...
See Banjo Ginga's other roles →Mika Doi, born on August 4, 1956, is a veteran voice actress who was born in Sendai.
See Mika Doi's other roles →Show Hayami, born as Yasushi Ohama, is a Japanese voice actor and singer. He is married to voice actress Rei Igarashi...
See Show Hayami's other roles →Graduated from Waseda University.
See Norio Wakamoto's other roles →Hochu Otsuka (大塚 芳忠, Ōtsuka Hōchū, born Yoshitada Ōtsuka [same kanji], May 19, 1954) is a Japanese voice actor and na...
See Hochu Otsuka's other roles →Hidekatsu Shibata (柴田 秀勝) is a Japanese voice actor.
See Hidekatsu Shibata's other roles →Bin Shimada, born November 20, 1954 in, Niigata, Japan is a Japanese voice actor. He is affiliated with the talent ma...
See Bin Shimada's other roles →