Hawaii is a United States television series produced and distributed by NBC Universal Television for the NBC television network. Originally titled Pearl City, this police drama was produced with the series Hawaii Five-O in mind, and debuted on August 31, 2004. Written by Executive Producer Jeff Eastin, the series revolves around a fictional elite crime unit of the Honolulu Police Department headed by veteran detective and local legend Sean Harrison and John Declan, a former Chicago Police Department detective transferred to the state of Hawaii for his talents.
The series was written by Jeff Eastin, Chris Black, Reid Steiner, Wendy West, Eric Haywood, and Travis Romero.
The series is considered one of the most ambitious projects in the history of the Hawaii State Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism's Hawaii Film Office, desperate to repeat the economic prosperity once gained and driven by the CBS television series such as Hawaii Five-O and Magnum, P.I. for the state's tourism industry.
The series was canceled in October 2004. Although eight episodes were filmed, only seven actually aired.
Ion Overman was born on November 9, 1976 and is currently 47 years old.
Walton Sanders Goggins, Jr. (born November 10, 1971) is an American actor best known for his roles on the FX Networks...
Ian Anthony Dale (born July 3, 1978) is an American actor. Born in Saint Paul, Minnesota, he attended school in Madis...
Kyle Alan Howard (born April 13, 1978) is an American film and television actor. Description above from the Wikipedi...
Sharif Atkins is an American film and television actor, best known for his recurring television roles as Dr. Michael ...
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Riley Smith (born April 12, 1978 in Cedar Rapids, Iowa) is an American film an...