Guys Like Us is a short-lived American sitcom that aired on UPN from October 5, 1998 to January 18, 1999. The series starred Bumper Robinson, Maestro Harrell, and Chris Hardwick.
Maestro Harrell was born on July 29, 1991 and is currently 32 years old.
See Maestro Harrell's other roles →Christopher Ryan "Chris" Hardwick (born November 23, 1971) is an American actor, television personality, writer, musi...
See Chris Hardwick's other roles →Karen Maruyama is an American actress and comedienne. She has appeared on television in supporting roles in a number ...
See Karen Maruyama's other roles →Michelle Christine Trachtenberg (born October 11, 1985) is an American television and film actress. She is known for ...
See Michelle Trachtenberg's other roles →Linda Edna Cardellini (born June 25, 1975) is an American actress. In television, she is known for her leading roles ...
See Linda Cardellini's other roles →Richard William "Wil" Wheaton III (born July 29, 1972) is an American actor and writer. As an actor, he is best known...
See Wil Wheaton's other roles →Jennifer Grant was born on February 26, 1966 and is currently 58 years old.
See Jennifer Grant's other roles →