Cast of
Good News

About Good News

  • Released on March 31, 2021

Happily married without kids and an intent to focus on his career, Ryan struggles with the news of an unplanned pregnancy and his wife Nicole’s decision to keep it. When the doctor diagnoses his wife with cancer, it leaves Ryan wanting nothing more than to have a child with Nicole.

Full Cast of Good News

Elias Leacock
plays Loving Son

Viv Leacock
plays Loving Father

Viv Leacock as Loving Father

Viv Leacock is an actor and director.

See Viv Leacock's other roles

Ken Kirby
plays Ryan Chang

Jacky Lai
plays Nicole Chang

Jacky Lai as Nicole Chang

Jacky Lai was born on November 9, 1989 and is currently 34 years old.

See Jacky Lai's other roles

Crew of Good News

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