Ninomiya is an ordinary high school student who lives at home with his older sister Ryoko. However, Ninomiya's life ceases to be normal the moment a cute girl named Mayu descends into the middle of his school's campus in a military-grade helicopter. It turns out Ryoko sent this girl, along with her older brother Mikihiro, to live at the Ninomiya household.
Kouki Miyata (宮田 幸季, Miyata Kōki, born October 9, 1972) is a Japanese voice actor affiliated with 81 Produce. His for...
Koji Yusa (遊佐 浩二, Yusa Kōji, August 12, 1968) is a freelance Japanese voice actor and narrator. He is from Yodo, Fush...
Satomi Akesaka (明坂 聡美, Akesaka Satomi, January 2, 1988) is a Japanese voice actress, former singer and stage actress....
Soichiro Hoshi (保志 総一朗, Hoshi Sōichirō) is a Japanese voice actor. He uses the name Takeshi Aiba (相庭 剛志) for his adu...
Michiko Neya was born on October 4, 1965 and is currently 59 years old.
Miyuki Sawashiro is a Japanese voice actress and narrator affiliated with Aoni Production. She has voiced in a number...
Ken Narita (成田 剣, Narita Ken) is a Japanese actor, voice actor and narrator from Saitama Prefecture. His real name is...
Takashi Kondo (近藤 隆, Kondō Takashi, May 12, 1979) is a Japanese voice actor, narrator and singer from Okazaki City, A...
Junji Majima (間島 淳司, Majima Junji) is a Japanese voice actor affiliated with I'm Enterprise.