Glory & Gore

In the gripping narrative of "Glory & Gore," we meet Cassius Sinclair, portrayed by Javier Garcia, a notorious ex-president of an elite university's symposium club. After a period away, he returns to the university, stirring intrigue and tension among students and faculty alike. His presence is felt like a storm on the horizon, as he seeks to reclaim not just his former status, but also the influence and power he once wielded. Cassius's ambitious nature and willingness to play the game of manipulation make him a formidable character, and viewers can't help but be drawn into his web of cunning strategies.

Opposing Cassius is Brooks Vaughn, skillfully played by Mateo Bailey. Brooks, who has taken on the role Cassius once held, finds himself thrust into a high-stakes rivalry that brings their nostalgic friendship into question. As the two engage in a power struggle, the dynamics of their old bond begin to unravel, revealing layers of betrayal and ambition that can only be found in the cutthroat environment of academia. Their interactions are charged with tension, with each man hoping to outsmart the other while navigating the moral complexities of ambition and loyalty.

"Glory & Gore" delves deep into themes of power, friendship, and the lengths individuals will go to secure their place in a hierarchical society. With Cassius and Brooks at the center of this tumultuous relationship, the show invites audiences to reflect on the darker sides of human nature and the often precarious balance between personal ambition and ethical integrity. As the plot unfolds, viewers are guaranteed a captivating experience filled with unexpected twists and turns, keeping them on the edge of their seats until the very last frame.

Full Cast of Glory & Gore

Javier Garcia

as Cassius Sinclair

Mateo Bailey

as Brooks Vaughn

Andrew Bova

as Will Astor

Jason Korn

as Monroe Astor

Nate Oaks

as Florence Cromwell

Connor Rossi

as Archie Olivo

Spencer Daniel

as Delaney (GOON)

Conall Sahler

as Schles (GOON)

Crew of Glory & Gore

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