Cast and Crew of Ghost Story

Cast of
Ghost Story

About Ghost Story

  • Released on March 19, 1974

Several old college friends converge at a mansion, ostensibly for a pleasant reunion. Larry Dann, the most easygoing of the bunch, comes to the conclusion that all is not well in the old dark house. For one thing, he's run across several people whom he's never met. For another, they all seem to be of a different time and place.

Full Cast of Ghost Story

Larry Dann
plays Talbot

Murray Melvin
plays McFayden

Vivian MacKerrell
plays Duller

Marianne Faithfull
plays Sophy Kwykwer

Marianne Faithfull as Sophy Kwykwer

Daughter of Eva, the Baroness Erisso, and Major Glynn Faithfull, a WWII British spy. Recorded the first song written ...

See Marianne Faithfull's other roles

Penelope Keith
plays Rennie

Barbara Shelley
plays Matron

Anthony Bate
plays Doctor Borden

Sally Grace
plays Girl

Leigh Lawson
plays Robert

Crew of Ghost Story

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