Cast and Crew of Funhouse

Cast of

About Funhouse

  • Released on October 25, 2019
  • Horror

When 8 celebrities from around the globe are invited to compete in an online reality show, they soon realize that they are playing for their very lives, as those voted off suffer horrific consequences, broadcast live to the entire world.

Full Cast of Funhouse

Khamisa Wilsher
plays Lonni Byrne

Mathias Retamal
plays Dex 'El Shocker' Souza

Mathias Retamal as Dex 'El Shocker' Souza

Mathias Retamal was born on August 14, 1984 and is currently 39 years old.

See Mathias Retamal's other roles

Debs Howard
plays Gilda 'The Mad' Batter

Debs Howard as Gilda 'The Mad' Batter

Debs Howard was born on February 10, 1989 in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa and moved to Canada in 1991. In 2009, she...

See Debs Howard's other roles

Kylee Bush
plays Darla Drake