Cast of
Fortune cookie

About Fortune cookie

  • Released on December 03, 2022
  • Thriller

Tellerium's founders find themselves in the place where it all began: a secluded oriental restaurant. But as they repeat the tradition and open their fortune cookies, they realize that there is more to what they bargained for.

Full Cast of Fortune cookie

Giselle Itié
plays Kat

Jani Zhao
plays Barbara

Marta Gil
plays Journalist

Milhem Cortaz
plays Paulo

Marcio Rosario
plays Fontes

Marcio Rosario as Fontes

Marcio Rosario was born on December 24, 1971 and is currently 52 years old.

See Marcio Rosario's other roles

Beatriz Barosa
plays Emilia

Sílvia Rizzo
plays Irene

Fredy Costa
plays Jeff/Duncan

Juliana Alves
plays Stella

Rodrigo Trindade
plays Jorge

Miguel Thiré
plays Mateus

Crew of Fortune cookie

Discover the backstage crew of Fortune cookie →