Cast of
First House on the Hill

About First House on the Hill

  • Released on November 26, 2017

Four friends decide to spend a weekend in a Malibu mansion owned by an old lady. The situation is flipped upside down once they come across an ancient haunted tarot deck that will change the fate of their lives.

Full Cast of First House on the Hill

Helene Udy

Eugenia Kuzmina

Eugenia Kuzmina

Eugenia Kuzmina is a Russian-American actress

See Eugenia Kuzmina's other roles

Sonja Kinski

Chloe Farnworth

Paola Saulino

Kristian Messere

Lou Volpe

Lou Volpe

Lou Volpe was born on October 12, 1955 and passed away 7 years ago at the age of 61 on June 10, 2017.

See Lou Volpe's other roles

Umberto Celisano

Ottavio Taddei

Christine Scherer

Crew of First House on the Hill

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