Cast of
Filipina Dreamgirls

About Filipina Dreamgirls

Several men from Wales travel to the Philippines on an arranged tour to meet Filipina women for romance and possible marriage. None of the women are the ideal Asiatic beauties the men imagined, but by the end of the tour, most of the Englishmen return with a new bride.

Full Cast of Filipina Dreamgirls

Bill Maynard
plays George Trout

Charlie Drake
plays Lionel

Lee Cornes
plays Preston Scott

David Thewlis
plays Tim Shanks

David Thewlis as Tim Shanks

David Wheeler (born 20 March 1963), better known as David Thewlis, is an English actor, director, screenwriter, and a...

See David Thewlis's other roles

Geoffrey Hutchings
plays Carwyn Phillips

Ray Gravell
plays Gareth (as Raymond Gravell)

Grace Amilbangsa
plays Marietta Modestas

Angie Castrence
plays Rosanna

Majesty Gaerlan
plays Arquita

Max Phipps
plays Ray

Roxanne Silverio
plays Rosie

Andrea Arroyo
plays Julie

Sylvia Garde
plays Ignacia

Julieta Jiménez
plays Martita

Ressie Manuel
plays Dorita

Pita Liboro
plays Elena

Elsie Astete
plays Mamasan

Madonna de Vera
plays Tim's Bar Girl

Hermana Concepcion
plays Marietta's Mother

Connie Chua
plays Cora

Marissa Aclan
plays Woman on Video

Daniel Galano
plays Driver

Crew of Filipina Dreamgirls

Discover the backstage crew of Filipina Dreamgirls →