Cast and Crew of Fear, Anxiety & Depression

Cast of
Fear, Anxiety & Depression

About Fear, Anxiety & Depression

  • Released on December 08, 1989
  • Comedy

An unsuccessful playwright faces trials and tribulations as he seeks to find himself in New York City.

Full Cast of Fear, Anxiety & Depression

Todd Solondz
plays Ira Ellis

Max Cantor
plays Jack

Alexandra Gersten
plays Janice

Jane Hamper
plays Junk

Stanley Tucci
plays Donny

Stanley Tucci as Donny

Stanley Tucci Jr. (/ˈtuːtʃi/ TOO-chee; born November 11, 1960) is an American actor and filmmaker. Involved in acting...

See Stanley Tucci's other roles

Jill Wisoff
plays Sharon

Crew of Fear, Anxiety & Depression

Discover the backstage crew of Fear, Anxiety & Depression →