Cast and Crew of Fatia Negra

Cast of
Fatia Negra

About Fatia Negra

  • Released on August 18, 1959

The old, sickly Demeter Lapussa is a tyrant in the family. He forces his granddaughter, the beautiful Henriette, to marry baron Hátszegi, although the girl loves the penniless Vámhidy Szilárd. The two lovers attempt to commit suicide, then are torn away from each other.

Full Cast of Fatia Negra

Ferenc Pethes

Ferenc Pethes

Ferenc Pethes was born on August 7, 1905 and passed away 45 years ago at the age of 73 on March 21, 1979.

See Ferenc Pethes's other roles

Károly Kovács
plays Sipos is a lawyer

Károly Kovács as Sipos is a lawyer

Károly Kovács was born on January 19, 1902 and passed away 33 years ago at the age of 88 on December 10, 1990.

See Károly Kovács's other roles

Marianne Krencsey
plays Henriette

Marianne Krencsey as Henriette

Marianne Krencsey was born on July 9, 1931 and passed away 8 years ago at the age of 84 on March 30, 2016.

See Marianne Krencsey's other roles

Alfréd Deésy

Alfréd Deésy

Alfréd Deésy was born on September 22, 1877 and passed away 62 years ago at the age of 83 on July 18, 1961.

See Alfréd Deésy's other roles

Imre Surányi