In the captivating television series 'Family and Everything', viewers are introduced to an ensemble cast led by the immensely talented Arlete Salles, who plays the dual roles of Frida and Catarina. Alongside her, Juliana Paiva delivers a remarkable performance as the enigmatic character, Electra. The siblings are unified by their shared paternal lineage, with Pedro as their father, but are separated by the individual differences of their respective mothers. After Pedro's unfortunate demise, the five siblings - Venus, Andromeda, Jupiter, Electra, and Plutao - have infrequently interacted or shared intimate moments with each other, leading to a fractured bond that spans across the years.
As time passes, the siblings, now as adults, are compelled to put their differences aside and reunite under the most peculiar circumstances. Their affluent grandmother has mysteriously disappeared while on a luxurious cruise and is presumed dead. Presumably, to ensure that the siblings earn their rightful inheritance, they are set with an extraordinary task - to live and work together for a full year, with the goal of revitalizing the family business and restoring it to its former glory. The challenge is substantial, as the siblings must navigate their strained relationship and personal barriers in order to achieve this feat. Should they fail in their mission, the inheritance will be ceded to their cunning cousin, Hans, who will stop at nothing to secure the fortune that was intended for his aunt.
Throughout the series, the siblings' journey of reconciliation, personal growth, and the pursuit of unity is punctuated by the ever-present looming threat of their cousin's relentless pursuit of their inheritance. As the siblings grapple with the complexities of their shared and individual pasts, the viewers are granted an intimate look into the nuances of familial ties, the struggles of inherited responsibility, and the precarious balance between love and ambition. 'Family and Everything' is a gripping, thought-provoking exploration of family dynamics, legacy, and the inescapable power of blood ties.