Cast and Crew of Eureka

Cast of

About Eureka

  • Released on May 19, 2023
  • Drama

Alaina is tired of being a police officer in the Pine Ridge Reservation, and decides to stop answering her radio. Her niece Sadie spends a long night waiting for her, to no avail. Hurt, she decides to begin her journey with the help of her grandfather: she will fly through time and space to South America, finally she will stop watching old black and white westerns that do not represent her in any way, and everything will feel different when she hears the dreams of other people, those who live in the forest. But there will be no definitive conclusions… Birds don’t talk to humans, yet if only we could understand them, they would surely have a few truths to tell us.

Full Cast of Eureka

Viggo Mortensen
plays Murphy

Viggo Mortensen as Murphy

Viggo Peter Mortensen, Jr. (born October 20, 1958) is an American actor, writer, director, producer, musician, and mu...

See Viggo Mortensen's other roles

Chiara Mastroianni
plays El Coronel / Maya

Alaina Clifford
plays Alaine

Sadie Lapontie
plays Sadie

Viilbjørk Malling Agger
plays Molly

Jose Maria Yaspik

plays Native who disappears

Adanilo as Native who disappears

Adanilo Reis da Costa is a Brazilian actor and playwright, descendant of the Zo'é, an indigenous group that inhabits ...

See Adanilo's other roles

Marcio Marante
plays El Coronel

Luísa Cruz
plays Nun

Luísa Cruz as Nun

Luísa Cruz was born on March 6, 1962 and is currently 62 years old.

See Luísa Cruz's other roles

Rafi Pitts
plays Randall

Maria de Medeiros

Maria de Medeiros

Maria de Medeiros Esteves Vitorino de Almeida (born August 19, 1965), better known as Maria de Medeiros, is a Portugu...

See Maria de Medeiros's other roles

Santiago Fumagalli
plays Recepcionist

Natalia Ruiz
plays Prostitute

José María Yázpik

Crew of Eureka

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