Cast and Crew of ETXR

Cast of

About ETXR

Bix the Bug is a DJ who comes into possession of a Teslascope -- Nikola Tesla's legendary invention, which he claims was capable of receiving signals from Extra Terrestrial worlds.

Full Cast of ETXR

Samuel Hunt
plays Matthew 'Bix' Laughlin

Samuel Hunt as Matthew 'Bix' Laughlin

Samuel Caleb Hunt is an actor.

See Samuel Hunt's other roles

Jeremy Luke
plays Danny Fishmonger

Jeremy Luke as Danny Fishmonger

Jeremy Luke was born on March 23, 1978 and is currently 46 years old.

See Jeremy Luke's other roles

Levi Fiehler
plays Curtis Garret

Brianne Howey
plays Cece

Brianne Howey as Cece

Brianne Howey is an American film and television actress.

See Brianne Howey's other roles

Lindsey Morgan
plays Florence

Crew of ETXR

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