Cast and Crew of Ema

Cast of

About Ema

  • Released on September 26, 2019
  • Drama

Ema is a magnetic and impulsive dancer in a reggaeton troupe. Her toxic marriage to choreographer Gastón is beyond repair, following a decision to give up on their adopted child Polo. She sets out on a mission to get him back, not caring who she’ll need to fight, seduce or destroy to make it happen.

Full Cast of Ema

Santiago Cabrera
plays Aníbal

Santiago Cabrera as Aníbal

Santiago Cabrera (born 5 May 1978) is a Chilean actor, most known for his role as the character Isaac Mendez in the t...

See Santiago Cabrera's other roles

Gael García Bernal
plays Gastón

Gael García Bernal as Gastón

Gael García Bernal (born 30 November 1978) is a Mexican actor and producer. He is best known for his performances in ...

See Gael García Bernal's other roles

Giannina Fruttero
plays Sonia