Get ready to embark on an extraordinary journey with 'Elemental,' an animated movie that takes place in a unique world where residents of fire, water, land, and air coexist. This enchanting film features two main characters, Ember Lumen, voiced by the talented Leah Lewis, and Wade Ripple, brought to life by Mamoudou Athie. Both characters hail from different elements, but they will soon discover that their shared experiences and feelings go far beyond their distinct origins.
Ember Lumen, a passionate and headstrong young woman, embodies the essence of fire. Her vibrant personality and strong-willed nature reflect the very element she represents. As a resident of the bustling city of Elemental, Ember navigates her way through life with unmatched zeal and energy. Despite her fiery demeanor, she grapples with understanding her place in this diverse world and longs for a deeper connection with those around her.
Wade Ripple, on the other hand, is a laid-back and affable individual who embodies the fluidity and adaptability of water. His easy-going nature and go-with-the-flow attitude enable him to maintain a sense of calm and balance in the ever-changing world of Elemental. Although Wade appears content with his life, he too yearns for a genuine and meaningful connection that transcends the boundaries of his aquatic existence.
As Ember and Wade's paths cross, they find themselves embarking on a remarkable adventure that will lead them to discover not only the world they live in but also the depths of their shared emotions. The fiery young woman and the go-with-the-flow guy will soon realize that, despite their differences, they have much more in common than they initially thought. This heartwarming tale highlights the power of understanding, acceptance, and the extraordinary connections that can be forged when we embrace our differences and recognize the elemental bonds that unite us all.
Joseph Pera (born July 24, 1988) is an American comedian, writer and actor. He is best known as the creator and star ...
Jonathan Adams (born July 16, 1967) is an American actor and voice actor. He is best known for playing Chuck Larabee ...
Alexandra Deering Kapp (formerly Horner; December 5, 1969) is an American television actress and writer, best known f...