Cast and Crew of Elas por Elas

Cast of
Elas por Elas

About Elas por Elas

'Elas por Elas' is a heartwarming and engaging film that brings together seven friends who first met 25 years ago at an English course. Now, as they reunite, they are all very different women with distinct personalities and backgrounds, but they share a deep bond of friendship that has stood the test of time.

Lara, Taís, Helena, Adriana, Renée, Natália, and Carol each have their own unique story to tell. Lara is a successful businesswoman, Taís is a devoted mother, Helena is a talented artist, Adriana is a dedicated teacher, Renée is a free-spirited adventurer, Natália is a confident lawyer, and Carol is a loving wife. Despite their differences, they all share a common history and a deep affection for one another.

As they spend time together, catching up on old times and sharing their life experiences, they realize how much they have missed each other. They reminisce about their time at the English course, where they first met and formed their unbreakable bond. As they reconnect, they also discover that they still have a lot in common and that their friendship is just as strong as it was 25 years ago. 'Elas por Elas' is a celebration of friendship, love, and the power of shared experiences, and it's a must-watch for anyone who believes in the enduring strength of female friendship.

Main Cast of Elas por Elas

Deborah Secco
plays Lara Furtado Lopes Pereira (172 episodes)

Késia Estácio
plays Taís Cury Cardoso (172 episodes)

Isabel Teixeira
plays Helena Aranha Muniz (172 episodes)

Thalita Carauta
plays Adriana Ferraz (172 episodes)

Maria Clara Spinelli
plays Renée Ferreira Cintra (172 episodes)

Karine Teles
plays Ana Carolina Soffredini (Carol) (172 episodes)

Mariana Santos
plays Natália Cardoso (172 episodes)

Lázaro Ramos
plays Mário Fofoca (172 episodes)

Cássio Gabus Mendes
plays Roberto Bastos (172 episodes)

Mateus Solano
plays Jonas Muniz (172 episodes)

Filipe Bragança
plays Giovanni Aranha Muniz (172 episodes)

Valentina Herszage
plays Cristiane Furtado Lopes Pereira (Cris) (172 episodes)

Rayssa Bratillieri
plays Ísis Lopes (172 episodes)

Marcos Caruso
plays Sérgio Aranha (172 episodes)

Alexandre Borges
plays Pedro (172 episodes)

Paula Cohen
plays Mirian (172 episodes)

Monique Alfradique
plays Érica (172 episodes)

Luis Navarro
plays Edu (172 episodes)

Mariah da Penha
plays Raquel (172 episodes)

Cosme dos Santos
plays Evilásio (172 episodes)

plays Yeda Furtado Lopes Pereira (172 episodes)

Maria Ceiça
plays Marlene Ferraz (172 episodes)

Erom Cordeiro
plays Danilo Drummond (172 episodes)

Paula Burlamaqui
plays Drª. Lígia (172 episodes)

Diego Cruz
plays Aramis (172 episodes)

Viétia Zangrandi
plays Vilma (172 episodes)

Bia Santana
plays Victória Ferreira Cintra (Vic) (172 episodes)

Richard Abelha
plays Tony Ferreira Cintra (172 episodes)

Magda Gomes
plays Wanda (172 episodes)

Chao Chen
plays Ulisses (172 episodes)

Antonio Tabet
plays Juvenal Fagundes (172 episodes)

Kiria Malheiros
plays Lara (jovem) (172 episodes)

Liza Del Dala
plays Taís (jovem) (172 episodes)

Fernanda Lasevitch
plays Helena (jovem) (172 episodes)

Mari Oliveira
plays Adriana (jovem) (172 episodes)

Jade Mascarenhas
plays Natália (jovem) (172 episodes)

Sabrina L'Astorina
plays Carol (jovem) (172 episodes)

Shi Menegat
plays Renée (jovem) (172 episodes)

Luciano Mallmann
plays Carlinhos (172 episodes)

Secondary Cast of Elas por Elas

Reginaldo Faria
plays Jacques Leclair (1 episode)

Eliane Costa
plays Enfermeira (2 episodes)

Leo Wainer
plays juiz (1 episode)

Shimon Nahmias
plays Silas Macedo (4 episodes)

Jonas Bloch
plays Petrúcio Jardim (12 episodes)

Jaime Leibovitch
plays juiz (3 episodes)

Luiza Lemmertz
plays Ester (jovem) (1 episode)

Paulo Verlings
plays Itamar (4 episodes)

Júlia Lemmertz
plays Ester (7 episodes)

Carla Pompilio
plays Juíza (1 episode)

Esther Góes
plays Maria Adelaide (Lazinha) (6 episodes)

Sérgio Guizé
plays Átila Lopes Pereira (3 episodes)

Crew of Elas por Elas

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