Cast and Crew of Effects

Cast of

About Effects

Making movies can be MURDER!

Some crew members of a company shooting a horror film begin to suspect that the "killings" in the movie are real, and that they are actually making a "snuff" film.

Full Cast of Effects

Joseph Pilato
plays Dominic

Joseph Pilato as Dominic

Joseph Pilato (March 16, 1949 - March 24, 2019) was an American film and voice actor.

See Joseph Pilato's other roles

Susan Chapek
plays Celeste

John Harrison
plays Lacey Bickel

John Harrison was born on January 1, 1948 and is currently 76 years old.

See John Harrison's other roles

Bernard McKenna
plays Barney

Debra Gordon
plays Rita / Mona

Tom Savini
plays Nicky

Tom Savini as Nicky

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Thomas Vincent "Tom" Savini (born November 3, 1946) is an American actor, stu...

See Tom Savini's other roles

Charles Hoyes
plays Lobo

Blay Bahnsen
plays Scratch

Jackie Lahane
plays Murdered Girl

Jameela Jamil

Jameela Jamil

Jameela Jamil (born 25 February 1986) is an English actress, writer, DJ, model, and radio host. She's best known for ...

See Jameela Jamil's other roles

Barry Humphries

Barry Humphries

John Barry Humphries, AO, CBE (17 February 1934 - 22 April 2023) was an Australian comedian, satirist, dadaist, artis...

See Barry Humphries's other roles

Crew of Effects

Discover the backstage crew of Effects →