The animated series, "Ed, Edd n Eddy," features a diverse cast of characters, each contributing to the show's unique charm and humor. The three protagonists are the 'Eds,' a trio of adolescent boys who share the same first name but possess distinct personalities. The first of these characters, Ed, is voiced by Matt Hill. Ed is the group's muscle, a lovable, lanky, and dimwitted teenager with a heart of gold. His strength and size often aid in the trio's schemes, but his lack of intelligence can also lead to their downfall.
The second member of the 'Ed' trio is Edd, also known as 'Double D.' Voiced by Sam Vincent, Edd is the brains of the group, a clean, intelligent, and slightly neurotic teen. His keen intellect and resourcefulness often lead to elaborate plans for the group to acquire money, typically fueled by their desire for jawbreakers. However, his obsession with cleanliness and order often clashes with the antics of his two friends.
"Ed, Edd n Eddy" revolves around the trio's misadventures as they hatch various schemes to scam their friends and classmates for money to buy jawbreakers, their favorite candy. The trio's plans are often complex and seemingly foolproof, but they usually crumble due to unexpected circumstances, Ed's incompetence, or the group's collective lack of foresight. These failed schemes often land them in absurd and humorous predicaments, from which they must then find a way to extricate themselves. Despite their constant failure, the Eds never lose their determination, and their bond only grows stronger through their shared experiences.
Sam Vincent Khouth is a Canadian film, television and voice over actor.
See Sam Vincent's other roles →Kathleen Barr is a Canadian-American voice actress.
See Kathleen Barr's other roles →Jenn Forgie was born on January 4, 1969 and is currently 55 years old.
See Jenn Forgie's other roles →Born in Australia and raised in Vancouver, Canada, he is married to actress Alannah Stewartt. They have a 3 1/2 year...
See Peter Kelamis's other roles →David-Paul Grove was born on December 10, 1958 and is currently 65 years old.
See David-Paul Grove's other roles →