Easy Money is a comedy-drama television series that aired on The CW from October 5, 2008 to August 16, 2009. The series was created by Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider. The show—along with Valentine, Surviving Suburbia, and In Harm's Way—are shows programmed by Media Rights Capital, an independent producer of television programming. The Sunday night block was sold to the producers on a leased-time basis from The CW after the network had no ratings success with the night.
Production of the series was put on hold in mid-October and was expected to resume within four to six weeks. Two weeks later, MRC decided to cancel both Easy Money and Valentine. On November 20, 2008, The CW announced that it was ending its Sunday Night agreement with MRC, removing the current shows and programming the night itself. On July 6, 2009, The CW announced that beginning July 26, the series would begin burning off the remaining episodes Sundays at 7 p.m.
Marsha Lisa Thomason (born 19 January 1976) is an English actress, who is known in the United States for playing Ness...
Laura Elizabeth Metcalf (born June 16, 1955) is an American actress and comedian. Often described as a character acto...
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Nick Searcy (born March 7, 1959) is an American actor who currently portrays ...
Jeff Hephner is an actor.
Peter Navy Tuiasosopo was born on May 24, 1965 and is currently 59 years old.
Katie Lowes was born on September 22, 1982 in Queens, New York City, New York, USA. She is an actress and producer, k...
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Richard Samuel Attenborough, Baron Attenborough, Kt, CBE (29 August 1923 – 24...
James Garner (born James Scott Bumgarner; April 7, 1928 – July 19, 2014) was an American actor, producer, and voice a...